The Islands of Myth, Agon RPG Solo Acutal Play

The Islands of Myth: An Agon RPG Solo Actual Play

Islands of Myth - The Preamble - Come here my child and let me tell you about my days sailing the great mythical islands and all the adventures I had. I am Swift-Footed Kassander and nothing could stand against me.

Islands of Myth - The First Sanza, Mutiny - We landed on a desolate, hot beach and proceeded inland to discover what we could find. I, Swift-Footed Kassander, fear no danger, mortal or immortal. 

Islands of Myth - The Second Stanza, Oasis - Our hero clashes with demigods in the Second Stanza of the Agon solo adventure, Islands of Myth. We finally start getting to the bottom of what evil is infecting the island. Will Swift-Footed Kassander be able to defeat more challenges in her path?

Islands of Myth - The Final Stanza, Clashing of Spears - The final showdown in Islands of Myth, an Agon Solo adventure. Our hero Swift-Footed Kassander clashes spear against demon in a contest of wills and strength. Will she be victorious against a spirit hell-bent on revenge?

Agon and One Page Solo Engine - A great experience for any solo player. 

Agon Solo Tools - A small collection of random tables and other tools I've created to help run the game more smoothly. 

RPG Books I Use (And support the blog!)

These are the books I used to write this blog. These are affiliate links, if you click any links on this blog and buy something from Drive Thru RPG, I get a small cut of the price at no extra cost to you. It will help support the blog and allow me to buy new and interesting books!


One Page Solo Engine (Free!)
