The Wallowing Toad: A Tavern at the End of the World One-Shot
Welcome readers! This is a bonus actual play of the Journaling RPG, Tavern at the End of the World.
I have Covid (not a serious case) and lots of free time over the next few days so I decided to do something somewhat productive (no, not working, haha don’t be silly) and write an actual play.
While I may be tired and sick, Solo RPGs make me feel better and give me something positive and enjoyable to focus on. And I can only binge so much TV. (The Boys Season 3 was fantastic).
Today I’ll be playing Tavern at the End of the World, Designed and written by Anna Anthropy. It's a one-page journaling solo RPG that uses Tarot cards for you to interpret. You are a tavern owner in an occupied city who is hiding secrets from your oppressors. Let’s see how it works out.
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Tavern Creation
What is the occupation here, armed and uniformed, to secure? There are four options so let’s roll a D4. A 2, which is a Rare Resource. They are here for a rare resource of great value. Oil? Magic? Minerals? I’m going to say they are here for a rare magical material they are mining from the land aggressively, called Essence.
In addition to food and rooms, what illicit service do you provide? Another D4. A 4, which is a contraband apothecary. So I’m selling something a bit extra on the side. I’ll say it's the Essence I’m mixing into drinks for the resistance and whoever can pay.
What keeps your establishment off the occupation’s radar, for now? A D4, 3. Informants. They are keeping it off the radar. I’m going to say it's a group of street urchins who are keeping me informed.
What’s your tavern’s name? I’ll say it's The Wallowing Toad.
Now we flip tarot cards and determine who the visitors are.
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The Wallowing Toad has been a fixture in the city for generations. Photo by Todd Diemer on Unsplash |
27th Day of the Month of the Horse
The Wallowing Toad continues to be prosperous. The occupation is in its second month and the people are no longer afraid for their lives daily. Sure there are arrests still and rumours of torture, but the executions have stopped, at least publically. We had an interesting visitor to the Toad today.
Pull a Card - The Hanged Man Tied to a tree (I don’t know much about Tarot cards so my interpretations will be pretty literal). I’ll say this is the occupying executioner.
In walked the occupier's head executioner, the reprehensible axeman himself. Does he think he will be welcome in my establishment? Well I have to serve him or it will be my head next on the block, but I won’t enjoy it. Best I play it cool and keep my little secrets safe.
He asked for our strongest drink, typical. Well, I gave him something strong that's for sure. It won’t affect him for a few hours so hopefully, he can’t trace it back to me. Haha! After he finishes his drink he picks up and heads off. Good riddance.
Now we flip some coins. 1 coin if the visitor was famous or loud, and another coin if they are wanted, watched or part of the occupation. That’s two coins. I’ll flip them. Heads and tails. That means unwanted attention I’ll have to deal with.
1st Day of the Month of the Turtle
A few quiet days with just the usuals were nice after the executioner came in. Although the occupiers have been patrolling the area and they’ve been asking questions about me and the Toad. Maybe they heard about the little trick I played? Anyway, today we had another interesting visitor.
Pull a card - Eight of Pentacles The Craftsmen. I’ll say he was an engineer in the city military.
Amos the Engineer came in. I haven’t seen him since before the siege started. He seemed ok if a bit distracted and twitchy. I tried to ask how he was doing but he didn’t talk much. He just ordered a few drinks and asked about my ‘extra’ activity. He wanted to know how much he could buy and when. I don’t trust him, at least not yet. I said I could get one potion and that was it today.
He dropped a purse of coins on the counter, took the potion and said he’d be back for more soon. The money is good but I know I’ll be disappeared if the occupiers figure out what I’m doing. Well, I gotta pay the bills.
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The money is good but is it worth the risk? Image by Thanasis Papazacharias from Pixabay |
One coin as Amos is wanted. A heads, more unwanted attention.
4th Day of the Month of the Turtle
More questions, more patrols. Soldiers enter unannounced now. They storm in and ask questions, lots of questions. I’m going to have to stop this side business soon before I’m dangling above the Eastern Gate. Our visitor today was unwanted, to say the least.
Pull a card: Judgement - Winged Angel with a trumpet. I’ll say this is the garrison commander.
Vice-Roy Dannon herself walked through my doors. I’m still surprised I’m alive to write this. I thought I was dead for sure. Her guard quickly fanned out to search my customers and check for weapons. Of course, none of them had any. They are just here for a drink and a laugh after a hard day in the Essence mines.
The Vice-Roy approached the bar and spoke with a regal air, “You, proprietor of the Wallowing Toad, what say you about this?” And she handed me one of my potions. I said nothing, the smartest thing I’ve done my whole life. She says “Oh? Frog got your tongue? I know you sell these but I am not here to kill or arrest you. Any of my soldiers could do that. Instead, I have a proposition. Make these for my army and you will be well paid and protected. Refuse, and you will die. You have a day to decide. Goodbye”.
And with that, she and her guard left. I hadn’t said a word.
Two coin flips here. Two heads, so the occupiers are coming, which makes sense. I must decide what happens to my character. Do they get dragged away or do they do something to escape? I have an idea.
5th Day of the Month of the Turtle
I have made my choice. I won’t work for those monsters who killed so many of our fellow citizens. No, I would die before I let that happen. So after the last patrol passed the Toad, I burnt it down. I cried when I did it, I loved that place. I grew up there. My father and mother built it. But I couldn’t have it fall to those with evil intent. I took all the potions I had and I’m taking them to the resistance.
I may die, but I’ll die doing what I believe in. If you read this journal, let it be known I never gave up.
Wow, what a game! Journaling games can be quick and fun or last for months and years. If you want to create a story like this, I encourage you to try out Tavern at the End of the World!
Thanks for reading this bonus journal adventure. Let me know if you’d like to read more journaling games.
If you want to check out more actual plays take a look at my Shadows in Eriador The One Ring 2E solo campaign.
And if you want to check out the various types of solo RPGs check out The Different Types of Solo RPGs.
- Croaker
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