Rebel Sworn: Chapter 3, Part 2, A City Garrisoned- A Star Wars Inspired Starforged Solo Campaign

Keer has a plan and a way to find his imprisoned friend. He only needs to steal from the most dangerous gang in the Galaxy to make it work. How hard can it be?

In the first part of Chapter 3, Keer met with his smuggler friend Verse Typho, who told him how to find Zhar. Zhar had been captured by the Pykes and the only way to find out where she is is to hijack a shipment of spice they are moving through the slums. But stealing from the Pykes is no simple task.

Welcome back everyone to Rebel Sworn! Things are again about to heat up for our hero Keer, so buckle up and keep your hands and tentacles inside the speeder at all times. 

If this is the first chapter of Rebel Sworn you've read, be sure to check out the chapter list for the campaign.  


The Pykes. The damn Pykes. Every time I’ve come across them I’ve ended up on the wrong end of a blaster or an airlock. They are vicious and never forget a slight. Still, if they have Zhar, what choice do I have? They won’t ever let them go, at least not with all their arms and legs. The trick will be hijacking this shipment while hiding who I am.

Luckily I can hear R5 whistling behind me as I run to the slums. This mission isn’t any place for a droid, R5 will stay and keep watch on the Obsidian.

The slums of Boz City are notorious for their crime and well, their crime. Built into the canyon walls, they go up about halfway to surface level. Travel is done by stairs made out of wood, and scrap metal and cut straight into the rock walls. Some houses are cut straight out of the rock wall also, and some are slapped together, hanging for dear life. Every once in a while, a building falls from the wall. The authorities of Boz City aren’t concerned about safety, they all take bribes from the slum lords.

Built into the walls of Boz City, the slums aren't safe. Made by me using Disco Diffusion.

So not a pretty place and because of it, it's a key highway to smuggle things in and out of the city if you don’t want port authorities or other gangs to see you do it. Land a ship on the surface, and use the slums to truck it down into Boz City. The Pykes do this all the time. Luckily Verse was able to tell me exactly where the shipment will come. I reckon the Pykes are paying to make sure The Union doesn’t mistake it for a rival gang.

I come to the slums, go up a few rickety stairs and wait in the place Verse said the shipment will come through. The Pykes will have it well guarded so an ambush is my best option. I would normally try to talk to them, but anyone who works for the Pykes knows giving up a shipment is a death sentence.

I think through my options. I’d love to start things off with a bang, but an explosion here could start a chain reaction and kill dozens of civilians. No, this must be done the old-fashioned way, with claw and blaster. I see them approaching, a few locals escorting a floating cart holding a few chests. That’s the shipment. I don’t need to kill the guards, I just need to get to the cart, and figure out its destination. I hide behind a piece of rusty metal sheeting and wait for them to get into range.

An explosion in the slums could topple multiple buildings. Made by me using NightCafe.

Enter the Fray +2 with Shadow

Objective: Get information from the Pyke shipment. 3 Local thugs guarding it

Dangerous Combat

Challenge 1,7 Vs Action 5+2=7, Weak Hit

I am in Control

They don’t see me hidden, or perhaps they don’t think anyone is stupid enough to attack a Pyke shipment, either way as they come close I jump out of my hiding spot and aim to shove the first guard. I see panic and confusion in his eyes and I come charging in.

Strike +2 with Iron

Challenge 5,7 Vs Action 6+2=8, Strong hit

2 Progress = 4 boxes

I shoulder-check the guard and he goes flying into the air. I see him crash into the roof of a box of a house down below. The other two guards look at me in shock and they start to pull their blasters out. I pick up the piece of iron behind me and hurl it at the thugs with all my might.

Gain Ground +2 with Iron

Challenge 7,2 Vs Action 1+2=3, Weak hit

+2 Momentum, now 6 Momentum

The iron sheeting flies at the two guards and they dive to the sides to avoid it. They are distracted now and I charge in again with all the strength I can muster.

Strike +2 with Iron

Challenge 5,6 Vs 2+2=4 Miss

Pay the Price, You are harmed, health now 3, In a bad spot

Endure Harm +3 with Health

Challenge, 5,7 Vs Action 4+3=7, Weak hit

Exchange 1 Momentum (now 5) for +1 Health (now 4)

I get a step or two closer to them but before I know it a blaster bolt hits me in my shoulder armour, it isn’t serious but where did the shot come from? The two thugs in front of me don’t have their blasters drawn. Of course, the Pykes have someone else watching the shipment, and in my haste, I didn’t take the time to see if they had a tail. This just got more serious. I dart behind an overhang. That should give me cover from where the shot came from.

React under Fire +1 with Edge

Challenge 6,1 Vs 5+1=6, Weak hit, -1 Spirit, now 4

No more bolts come from the sky, thank the ancestors. But the two guards in front of me react to my distraction by pulling their pistols and pointing them at me. This is not going to plan! It is taking too long and the Pykes surely will have reinforcements. I pull my blaster and prepare to return fire.

Clash +1 with Edge

Challenge 7,9 Vs 3+1=4 Miss

Pay the Price, You are Stressed take -1 Spirit, now 3

Endure Stress +3 with Spirit

Challenge 3,2 Vs 1+3=4, Strong hit

+1 Momentum, now 6

We start to exchange fire but I’m not in good cover and get forced back farther and father. This is certainly not going to plan! I think I have no more choices, I need to charge into this and use my claws to finish it!

Clash +2 with Iron

Challenge 7,6 Vs 4+2=6, Miss

Pay the Price - -1 Harm, health now 3.

Endure Harm +3 with Health

Challenge 8,4 Vs 4+3=7, Weak hit, no change to health

As I charge out, a blast hits me square in the chest. I’m knocked to the ground and the two thugs approach me, blasters are drawn. And then they stop. Instead, a figure steps between them, I can’t make out who or what it is as it is wearing a full facial mask. It points its blaster rifle at me. From this range, it can’t miss.

Face Defeat

Pay the Price, -1 Spirit now 2

I drop my pistol and put my hands up. I’ve lost this one. Sometimes the best way to stay alive is to know when you are beaten. A dead lizard can’t keep up the fight. The person with the rifle approaches slowly, their boots crunching on the rubble from the fight.

Now, who is this evil type of person? I roll on the common Species table and get a Wookie! This makes me happy. OK let’s find out their name. Rikoo. The first look is Grim. Initial Disposition will be Hostile, no roll there. The character role will have to be Bounty Hunter, no roll is needed again. And their goal is to Gain Riches. Too good!

The person advances and the mask opens. I look up into the eyes of the largest, most fierce Wookie I’ve ever seen. A loud guttural roar erupts from the Wookie as it brings its rifle butt down on my head. I feel a large explosion of pain and then nothing…

It's one fierce Wookie. Made by me using Nightcafe.


Well there we go, not a good fight for Keer. You'll have to tune in next time to see where he ends up and if he can get out of the situation.

As always thank you for reading and commenting! 


Can't get enough Ironsworn in your life? Check out Drakonspyre Gaming and their amazing Ironsworn actual play blog. His Sworn by Ghostlight campaign, a noir investigation hack of Ironsworn, is fantastic!

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Starforged: Ironsworn

- Croaker


  1. Okay I’m not gonna lie I clicked on out of curiosity and I’m invested in this now. Can’t wait to see the next chapter!


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