Interlinked: Blade Runner RPG Solo Campaign - Session 2: Part 2: Cells

Welcome readers. Here we are at the end of the line for Interlinked. The last session had Detective Jay confronting Mr. Koslovski. Will our detective be able to bring him in for questioning and what will she find out?

If you haven't caught up with the first couple of sessions, make sure to give it a read here.

Now let's play!


Kicking Mr. Koslovski in the back of the knees, I shove him forward with all my force. It's a gamble; I can't promise the thugs won't get scared and fire on us. I'm trusting they are more afraid of hurting Mr. Koslovski than anything else. Hopefully, my gamble pays off. All these thoughts are coursing through my head as we propel forward.

Roll Strength (B a D10), and force (D a D6) - One Success

They back off in a panic as we stumble and shove past them. Not one lays a hand on me. We slam into the hallway outside of Mr. Koslovski's office and make our way to my Spinner. Once I'm in there, I'm home free; it's just a short flight to the LAPD headquarters.

I shove Mr. Koslovski into the back of the spinner, and I hear the wind go out of his lungs. Holden is going to have my ass for roughing up such a 'respected' member of society, but I don't have much time to be polite here.

I see the thugs gingerly approach the Spinner, but before they can get any closer, I slam on the acceleration and take off. In my rearview mirror, I see them jump into an unmarked Spinner and take off after me.

Great, it looks like I'm being chased.

Spinners are fast but a mistake can be fatal.

Chase Scene - A Chase Scene in Blade Runner has specific mechanics. Basically, as the prey, I'll go first and attempt to get away, whereas the pursuers will then roll to try to catch up with me. This will start in Medium range, as I'll say they aren't far behind.

I slam down on the gas, aiming to get as far ahead of the thugs in their spinner as possible. This is an LAPD-issued spinner and has some force under the hood.

Roll Maneuverability (B a D10), and Drive (D a D6) - No successes - A failure

We take off, the force of the acceleration pushing me back into the chair. I look back and see the thugs taking off also, right on our heels. I turn forward again, and a towering neon billboard blocks my way. I cut the engine and attempt to dive under it.

Roll Maneuverability (B a D10), and Drive (D a D6) - No successes - A failure

Not quick enough. They are right on our heels as we drop into the city. Lights flash past, and the windshield is covered in acidic rain. I hear the blare of an LAPD spinner, "Attention attention. You two vehicles have committed several traffic violations. Please land your Spinners now and be prepared to be searched."

I grab my radio and yell into it, "LAPD Spinner. God damn it, I'm a Blade Runner and need backup. Pull up beside me or get this damn Spinner off my tail!"

Roll Empathy (A a D12), and Connections (D a D6) - Critical Successes - The LAPD Spinner takes on the thugs

"That's an affirmative Blade Runner," I hear crackle over the radio. "You head home; we will take care of this nuisance. Good flying."

The thugs, seeing another spinner jump into the fray, peel off and head into the clouds, followed closely by the LAPD.

I look over at Mr. Koslovski; he doesn't look happy at all. The rest of the flight is smooth and uneventful.

Tuesday, 15 September 2037, 4th Shift

The sun has set by the time we get Mr. Koslovski into the interrogation room. Deputy Chief Holden pulls me aside before I go in. "Jay. I'll tell you this. You better get him to sing, or he's going to have all our asses. I can hold his lawyers off for a while, but not forever. God damn. This will be the biggest case we've handled, or we are all going to be fired tomorrow."

I nod; I know what I need to do to get answers about Flora.

Mr. Koslovski isn't used to being on the receiving end of interrogations. 

Transcript of Suspect Interrogation of Mr. Koslovski, conducted by RepDet Detective Jay

Detective Jay: Mr. Koslovski. I trust you weren't hurt during your arrest. Our medics say you were slightly banged up but not seriously hurt.

Mr. Koslovski: Go fuck yourself, skin job. When my lawyers get here, you'll be out of a job so quick. I'll make sure they retire you.

J: Why do you hate replicants so much? Has one harmed you in the past? I note your large holdings in Wallace Corp. Surely you know their main business is now replicant production?

K: Of course, I know that. Do you think I'm stupid? Yeah, I hate you skin jobs. You walk around like you are human, but you are not. You are fake, not real. A Lie! But you can arrest us. You can take care of us. You can even love us. All fucking lies.

J: I see, Mr. Koslovski. Is that why you abducted Mr. Wyman's replicant named Flora? Because she loved him?

Roll Empathy (A a D12), and Manipulation (B a D10) - Critical Successes - Mr. Koslovski slips a bit

K: (Suspect Yells) HOW RIDICULOUS! A replicant loving a human. She wasn't a person. Wasn't even a she. She was a THING. To be used. To be discarded. NOT TO BE LOVED. You understand? No, of course, you don't. I'm tired of talking to a fucking Toaster. Send an actual fucking human in here.

J: Mr. Koslovksi, would you describe yourself as a Human Supremacist?

K: Oh, this keeps getting better, doesn't it? A fucking skin job asking me if I think Humans are superior? Well, are you a replicant supremacist?

J: I'm not accused of a crime, Mr. Koslovski.

K: Ok. Yeah, I think humans are superior. We created you, right? You weren't born, were you? No, you weren't

J: Mr. Koslovski, enough playing around. Now please tell me, did you harm the replicant named Flora for the purpose of getting back at Mr. Wyman?

I'll say Detective Jay needs at least two successes to get Mr. Koslovski to admit anything.

Roll Empathy (A a D12), and Manipulation (B a D10) - Two successes!

K: (Suspect yells) YES! OK GOD DAMNIT, IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR? We grabbed her. And yeah, that shitty head of security of Wyman helped us. What's his name? Prei Layoun! Yeah, that slimy asshole was easy to bribe to help me. Like I'd actually hire him to help me. Help me guard a department store maybe.

J: Then, Mr. Koslovski, you are under arrest for the destruction of Replicant F5335, Nexus 9, Designation Flora, for threatening harm against a Blade Runner, and for attempting to interfere in a Blade Runner investigation.

K: (Suspect laughing) Oh, that is great. Oh, that's very funny. Do you know what's about to happen? I'll be out of here in an hour. I won't ever see the inside of a cell or a courtroom. See what you skin jobs don't understand is that us humans run the show. We control you, and I control the system. And don't worry, my friend, I'm sure I'll see you around real soon.

Mr. Koslovski is trying to get a rise out of Detective Jay, but does the detective realize it?

Roll Empathy (A a D12), and Insight (C a D8) - One success

J: Mr. Koslovski, why don't you explain it to your lawyer? We have nothing left to talk about here.

Transcript of Suspect Interrogation of Mr. Koslovski, conducted by RepDet Detective Jay - Ended

I walk out of the room, hands shaking. I came so close to pounding his head into the table. The shitty thing is yeah, he will probably walk free, and he will probably come after me. No problem, I'll be ready.

I head straight back to the hangar where my spinner is. Deputy Chief Holden chases me down," God damn Detective Jay, that was some great work in there. Come back and celebrate with the team. It's the attorney's turn to work now."

"Yeah, Chief, I'll stop by for a drink. But first, I need to pay Prey Layoun a visit.

Several Days Later

I stand in my little apartment, looking out over Little Tokyo. Of course, Mr. Koslovski got out of jail, but the charges won't be as easy to beat as he thinks. Prei Layoun is going down hard. He doesn't have the money to protect him, and Mr. Wyman is making sure he will never see the light of day.

Besides that, the world continues as it has. The rich get richer. The poor get poorer. And us replicants pick up the shit. I still have my dreams... Whatever they mean.

"Come to bed, dear," Astrid says. Maybe I should head to sleep. Maybe I'll have another dream?


Well, that's the end of Interlinked. A vicious murder of a replicant by a human supremacist. The sad part is the rich will move on and the poor and defenseless will suffer. That is the world of Blade Runner.

Promotion Points +2

Apprehended one or more suspects - Arrested Mr. Koslovski

Uploaded at least one piece of evidence - The confession from Mr. Koslovski

Humanity Points +4

Took a personal risk to help another person - Risking it all to arrest Mr. Koslovski

Learned something significant about someone's life - Learned Mr. Koslovski was a human supremacist

Tried to talk someone down from committing a crime - Attempted to talk Mr. Koslovski into going peacefully

Interacted with key relationship - At the end with Astrid.

If I was continuing to play Blade Runner, I'd be able to use those points for various advantages and skill upgrades


Well, thanks for reading along! How did you like Interlinked? It's the first time I've done a mystery-type game, and it was definitely different from what I normally do!

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And I'm happy to say next week we will be heading back to Starforged and Rebel Sworn! So stay tuned!
