Queenless - Sparrow

Welcome back, everyone! Things are looking up for our little bee, with just two more jars of Royal Jelly needing to be found. But the most dangerous of all the enemies, Sparrow, is still out there!

Will Thimble be able to get the last two jars of Jelly, or will she end up as another meal for Sparrow? Let’s play to find out!


I would love to stay among my fellow bees for longer, but I know I can’t stay forever. The risk to our hive is just too great, and they are counting on me to save them all. I cannot fail them, so I fly off as fast as I can to try to find the last two jars of Jelly!

Discover a Region +2 with Quick

King (13), 6 Vs 3+4+2=9, Budding. I place one card, the King. The region is Leafs, and because it's a face card, it is the next Insect on the region, the Beetle.

I fly off from our hive and discover a large pile of fallen leaves. Is autumn coming so soon? I must be quick if the hive is to survive. I look down and see a long figure milling about, picking up a leaf here and putting it over there. Maybe it's Beetle?

Flying down fast, I see it is Beetle. I am in luck. Beetle has a Jar of Jelly and is a friend to us Bees. I approach in friendship.

“Beetle, thank the Hive I have found you. We are in such trouble. Can you help us by giving us back our Jar of Jelly?”

Beetle considers this for a moment. He is a philosopher and doesn’t answer anything quickly, but he always thinks and considers his answers.

Finally, he answers, “Yes, I would be happy to give back the most important Royal Jelly, as it was never mine to keep, you know. I was just keeping it safe for the time being. I would be happy to give it back, but it is safe in my home. Unfortunately, a large pebble has closed it off for now. I was not strong enough to open it, but with your help, perhaps we can do it!”

I nod in agreement. I’ll do anything to get the Jar of Jelly back. Beetle leads us to his home, and I see it is completely blocked off as he said. We both get into position to push it and strain and strain.

Confront Risk + 1 with Forceful

Jack (11), 10 vs 3+6+1=10, Withering! +1 Fatigue

We push, but the pebble shifts and instead starts rolling back onto me! I dive to get out of the way before I’m crushed.

Evade Danger +2 with Quick

9, A(1) Vs 5+4+2=11, Blooming! Avoid more Fatigue

I jump out of the way, and the pebble crashes down the hill. Beetle says, “Oh my, I’m so glad to see you were not harmed. Please come into my home, and I’ll find the Jar of Jelly for you.”

We enter, and Beetle quickly finds the jelly. I’d love to stay, but there is no time. I tell Beetle I promise to come back again and listen to his philosophy once the Hive is safe. I fly off again, looking for the last jar of jelly.

Discover a region +2 with Quick

10,4 vs 6+4+2=12, Blooming. Add both to the map. It is a hollow and a Fallen Tree. Let’s go to the Fallen Tree.

I race over and see a tree knocked over. Nothing interesting at first, but I might as well take a second to see if I find any treasure in the area.

Search for Treasure +0 with Patience

7,2 vs 6+2+0=8, Blooming. Add two treasures!

Looking over the area, I find some fungus and an acorn. Both are not of use to a bee, but I’m sure an insect up ahead may find it useful. Using up enough time, I head off now to look for Sparrow.

Discover a Region +2 with Quick

Queen (12), 7 vs 5+3+2=10, Budding. I can place one card on the map, the queen. It is in a wheat field. But what else is there…

I fly into a stunning field of golden wheat. It would be an amazing sight, but then a shadow passes over me. What was that? A cloud? Something else? Surely it’s nothing at all…

Suddenly darting down is the biggest thing I’ve ever seen. Not an insect! It must be Sparrow, death from the sky! There is no reasoning, there is no talking, only one can fly away from here.

The Sparrow is a tough enemy that requires 13 cards to defeat it. Hearts count as two. This will be a tough fight.

Fight a Creature +1 with Forceful

2, 9 vs 1+6+1=8, Budding. I stack one card, it is a heart, so it counts as two.

I charge into Sparrow. I can see surprise in its eyes, clearly, it isn’t used to someone fighting back against it. I’ll have to use that as my advantage. I collide into its powerful chest and bounce off. It is as solid as a rock and about 20 times bigger than me!

Fight a Creature +1 with Forceful

Ace (1), 5m Vs 6+4+1=11, In Bloom! Three to the stack as one of those is a heart. Now up to 5.

Knowing it is momentarily stunned, I keep bashing away at its colossal form. No time for self-doubt.

Fight a Creature +1 with Forceful

2, 9 vs 6+5+1= In bloom! Two more to the stack, now up to 7.

I hear a twitter of pain from Sparrow, but clearly, I have the advantage and dart up to strike it in the beak. I hit it hard, and Sparrow goes flying backwards.

Fight a Creature +1 with Forceful

King (13), 8 vs 1+1+1= Wither!

But I’ve become too cocky as Sparrow lashes out with its beak, and I go flying in pain.

Evade Danger +2 with Quick

Jack (11), 8 vs 5+2+2=9, Budding. +1 fatigue, now 2.

The beak comes in for a killing blow, but I quickly dart out of the way and narrowly avoid the death-dealing blow. It rakes my wing, and I feel the sting of pain.

Fight a Creature +2 with Quick

7,10 Vs 3+4+2=9, Budding. Add two to the stack as the 7 is a heart. Now 9.

I quickly fly at Sparrows, spreading wind and dust into its eyes. I see Sparrow blink back in pain. This might be my show!

Fight a Creature +1 with Forceful

8,2 Vs 3+2+1=6, Budding. Add one to the stack. Now 10.

I move in and forcefully strike Sparrow in its wing.

Fight a Creature +1 with Forceful

Jack (11), 3 vs 2+4+2=8. Budding. Add one card to the stack. Now 11.

Then I come around and hit it in the other wing!

Fight a Creature +1 with Forceful

5, Ace(1) vs 4+1+1=6, Bloom. Add two cards to the stack. 13! It’s over.

Its body is open. Sparrow is exhausted. I move in as strong as I can with my stinger extended. I plunge it straight into its chest, and I hear a flutter of pain. Sparrow drops the jar of royal jelly and flies off defeated.

I have done it! I’ve gotten all the jars of jelly. I have saved my hive!


Flying around the valley, I enjoy the sun and the warmth. I’m happy to know we’ve raised another queen, and the Hive is thriving again. My friend Stitch flies with me. We are happy little bees.

The End

Well, that is the end of my Queenless playthrough. I hope you all liked it as much as I did playing through it. You can pick it up at my itch store.

Fly true, little bees!


We have something completely different coming up next week, so look out for that. Thanks, all for reading!

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Check out Queenless today - Bee the hero you always were meant to be. 
