Alien: Quarantine - Act1, Part 1 Yeah, but it’s a dry heat...
Welcome to the start of my Alien: Quarantine campaign. These will be broken into three acts that will themselves be broken into three parts, each through the point of view of one of the three characters.
The first up will be Vin, the former Colonial Marine just trying to live a quiet life. Let's see how that works out for him (spoilers, it doesn't).
Service Profile: Corporal Vic Diem, Colonial Marine, Honourable Discharge
Service Record: Operation Enduring Victory, Operation Iron Shield, Operation Bright Star. Four combat tours, Bronze Star (with Valor), Purple Heart
Declined recommendation for promotion to senior Non-commissioned officer. Requested separation from Colonial Marines at the end of his first 10-year contract. The request was accepted.
Separation Relocation to Earth denied. Requested settlement in an off-world colony. Accepted.
"Just another day in paradise," is how we used to joke in the Corps when we were on a particularly nasty planet. Well, you could say that every day here on 49 Delta Capricorni. It is one nasty rock, with temperature swings up to 100 degrees in a day, wind storms that can rip the skin from your bones, and an atmosphere made up of equal parts acid, poison, and hatred. Wayland-Yutani tells us that one day this planet will be a paradise, but the monthly reports show absolutely no progress in making this place survivable.
Not that I'm complaining. I have my own room and privacy. I have a job that pays poorly, but I mostly get left alone to tend to the hydroponics. I like it when the tomatoes bloom, and you can see row upon row of these yellow flowers. Plus, the maintenance staff whips up some mean moonshine.
So yeah, it's not all bad. There are about 150 of us here and a few androids. I like the androids; we had a Bishop in my platoon in the Corps. The people, I stay away from, and they stay away from me for the most part.
The morning of the incident starts out pretty much like every other. I wake up, do my exercises, and get ready for my shift in the hydroponics dome. I'm a bit shocked when I get a notification on my vid-caller. Nobody calls me, ever.
I acknowledge the call, and up pops the fuzzy face of Susan, our assigned synthetic who runs the terraforming plant.
"Colonist Diem, the General Manager Pam Sutherland would like to see you at the Terraforming plant."
"What does Pam want with me? Can you tell her I'll be around after my shift?"
"Colonist Diem, I do apologize, but this has priority over your work assignments for the day. I've already taken the liberty of reassigning your shift. General Manager Sutherland expects to see you within the next 30 minutes."
Great, I think. Did I do something wrong? Maybe I'm being called out of reserves? Either way, being late is not in my vocabulary. I throw on my work clothes and head to the Terraform plant.
The trek to the Terraforming plant is done purely underground. The dark tunnels can be claustrophobic if you aren't used to it. But I've been in enough tight spaceships and done my share of tunnel fighting. It doesn't bother me anymore.
It takes almost my full 30 minutes to walk the tunnel to the plant. They say a rail will eventually be installed, but who knows when or if that will happen. The Terraforming plant is pretty much just a fusion reactor, so they place it away from the main living areas. Not that it would matter. The plant has enough fissionable material to vaporize everything within a 30 km radius.
Running just a minute early, I knock on the door to the plant's administrative office. I see Susan's artificially perfect smile when the door opens. Behind the desk (real wood, imported, of course) is General Manager Sutherland.
"Welcome, Diem. Thank you for attending on short notice."
"Of course, Mrs. Sutherland. Am I in trouble or something?" I nervously laugh.
"Not at all, Mr. Diem. In fact, your work reports have been stellar. A hard worker, a team player, a bit quiet, but that isn't a fault, is it?"
I've automatically slipped into parade rest, "I don't think so, Ma'am."
"Please call me Pam. Now, no doubt you are wondering why I asked you here. You'll have seen the most recent estimates on terraforming this rock. It isn't going well. Delays and delays. The atmosphere is constantly changing as if it is reacting to our efforts."
I nod. I have no idea where this is going, but I have heard the rumors.
"Now, Mr. Diem. Can I call you Vic?" I nod. "Vic, we think we found what is causing these atmospheric changes. Some sort of structure, about 500 km south of the colony. The air is so thick with interference that we can't tell what it is. Analysis suggests it could be a Union of Progressive People installation, sent here to sabotage this colony so they can claim it. But we can't rule out all possibilities."
"Sounds interesting, Ma'am, I mean Pam. But how am I involved in all of this?"
"Well, we are assembling an expedition to the source of the disturbance, with the aim to determine its origin and stop it. And you're going to be the security consultant."
I shake my head violently, "No, no, no. With all due respect, Pam, my security days are behind me."
Pam straightens some papers, stands up, and leans forward over the desk. Newly formed veins have appeared on her perfectly smooth forehead. "You will be the security consultant because I am this colony's general manager, and that's what is happening. If you don't agree, as the legal governor of this colony, I can have you reinstated in the colonial marines. So what is it going to be?
The first roll of the game, it will be an opposed roll. Pam has a 3 in empathy and 3 in Manipulation, meaning she is rolling 6 base dice vs. Vic's 2 in Empathy. Let's see how it goes…
Pam - Manipulation roll - 6 base dice - 1 Success
Vic - Manipulation roll - 2 base dice - 0 success
Well, that was expected…
Looking down, I know she's got me. It was always a risk I could be reactivated, but I thought I'd be safe from that on this little out-of-the-way colony. I was wrong.
"Okay, fine, Pam. I'll go, but don't reinstate my service. I'll do it willingly."
"Oh, I'm so happy to hear, Vic. Now your transportation is nearly ready. Susan will show you to it and will also be coming along. Best of luck, Vic."
I grumble as I walk out of the office. Company men are all the same; they order you around like a pawn on a chessboard. Even worse than Colonial Marine officers. Susan meets me at the door with her usual large smile.
"Mr. Diem, I'm told to escort you to the transportation terminal. I also have the good news that I'll be accompanying you on this trip. Isn't that grand?"
I grumble again. Truth be told, having an android with me is comforting. Susan's superhuman strength and observation will be a huge asset. Still, I don't want anyone to think I'm happy about this.
"Susan, do you know who else is coming?"
"Just me, you, and Elena Sanchez. Do you know Elena?"
Do I know Elena? Only the most stunning woman in the whole colony. See, the colony is mostly families. The company cuts down on costs by making part of your pay room and board. Families find it attractive, and it's a chance to start a new life. Not many single people in a colony is what I'm saying.
Well, Elena is single, and I'm single, so I thought I'd chat her up. Nothing, not even a word. She is cold, so I keep my distance. Maybe this is my chance to actually talk to her. This trip is looking up all of a sudden.
Susan and I make it down to the transportation wing of the terraforming plant. It's basically a big closed-off hanger with all sorts of vehicles. The equipment is beat up; the environment outside just eats through anything mechanical.
I approach the maintenance officer and ask for additional supplies, safety gear, and weapons. No telling what will happen out there. He lazily directs me to a supply closet and tells me to grab a suit and whatever else I think I'll need.
The only suits available are the bulky as-hell MK.35 pressure suits from the last century. Hard to move in but tough as nails. I ask the maintenance officer if there are any weapons.
"Hey, I was told this is a scientific expedition, not a goddamn invasion. You get what you get, jarhead."
I roll my eyes but spot a bolt gun. Not made for fighting, but it can definitely do some damage at close range. It will have to do.
Suited up in my MK.35, I start to sweat. The planet must be in its hot phase. Hey, at least it's a dry heat, you know?
IRC MK.35 Pressure Suit
Armor Rating 5, Air Supply 6, Weight 2, Agility -1
Elena shows up, also suited with an MK.35. She barely looks at me when she announces, "OK, you two. I'm sure we are wasting our time with this goddamn snipe hunt, but we are going anyway. Susan, you are flying. Ummm Diem is it? You are our security consultant but mostly stay out of Susan and my way, okay? We are taking off in 20 minutes, so get your shit on the bird and let's get going."
I think I'm in love…
Well that is the end of Act 1, Part 1. Be sure to tune in for the next two parts of this first act!
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